In addition to Acupuncture , the major component of Oriental Medicine is the use of Chinese herbal formulas to address the specific conditions that each patient presents. These formulas may be taken in pills, tablets or powder form.
Dietary therapy and nutritional counseling are an important adjunct to your treatment plan. Close attention is given to your dietary habits, cravings, and food allergies and intolerances and recommendations given to ensure that your diet is specially correct for you.
Proper exercise, rest and relaxation are also vital to your well-being. Qigong exercises (simple, slow movements) or stretches sport or other activities may be recommended. Ergonomic suggestion involving correct positioning related to the patient’s jobs.
By combining all aspects of your life in a comprehensive health enhancement program, we feel you have the best opportunity for a life of vitality and satisfaction.
Services and fees (Most insurances are accepted)
Initial Consultation |
Free |
Acupuncture (60 mins/session) |
$80 |
Herbal Medicine (1 week supply) |
approx. $50 |
Aromatic Tui-Na Therapy (60 mins/session) |
$80 |
Cupping Therapy (30 mins/session) |
$40 |